Dr. Sailaja Reddy

A Physician, specialized in Functional and Integrative Medicine

I am Dr. Sailaja Reddy, a licensed and board certified physician specialized in Internal Medicine, Integrative and Functional medicine practicing near Boston. 

Welcome to my Healthezone!

Master the art of Healthy Living..

I am Dr. Sailaja Reddy, a licensed and board certified physician specialized in Internal Medicine, Integrative
and Functional medicine practicing near Boston. I am the proud owner and founder of a Functional and
Integrative Medicine clinic ‘RootHealthMD’, located in Framingham, Massachusetts, USA. I am also a
professional chef, certified in Culinary medicine. During my experience as a physician treating various
kinds of patients, I have observed a high degree of correlation between lack of attention towards healthy
food & living habits and chronic diseases. I have realized that focused on diagnosing and treating the
disease, my desire had always been to help those individuals who want to become proactive in
protecting or regaining their health. I wish to share health concepts that are truly effective through
this blog. Immediate access to resources that will educate, motivate and guide you into effective healthy
lifestyles that will help promote your chances of protecting and regaining your health.

My Experience

With my 25 years of expertise in the medical field, I strongly believe many diseases can be altered, prevented, and at times even conquered with phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other nutrients consumed on a diet of organic vegan living food. It is important to be aware that there is no price you can put on good health. It is your most important asset! Today, I am sad to see most people unconsciously exchanging “convenience” for their health. It requires a strong motivation to choose wisely and not make this mistake. Convenience foods may seem quicker and easier, but believe me, they come at a significant cost to your health, and I’m sure you don’t want to pay that price down the road. You deserve the best health possible and it is all up to you to do the right things to get there. No one can do it for you but yourself.

First’ and ‘foremost’ I am a devoted wife and caring mother of 2 boys. In our family, we eat food as close to the natural state as possible. Through my extensive research it has become apparent that most of our diet should consist of organic plant based food. So I avoid processed food and try to keep at least 40% raw. I would call this the ‘modern hunter-gatherer’s diet.’  I have an organic kitchen garden that I utilize a great deal throughout the year.  The only fertilizer I use for my plants is the compost I make in my backyard. On average, at least half of what I use in summer comes from my own garden.

It might appear to you that in some of my recipes I am using several unfamiliar ingredients. However if you fine tune your kitchen with these healthy alternatives, you won’t get intimidated to make any recipes I have on my blog.  Most importantly, I emphasize preparing organic food in the most natural way, thus honoring the inherent perfection of the ingredients Mother Earth has provided us. In most of my recipes I used finest organic ingredients available. I gave utmost importance to choose healthy recipes from different cultures, including Indian, oriental, and Western. My goal is to illuminate new avenues, to a healthier lifestyle by highlighting organic ingredients and recipes. My creations seek to satisfy not simply the palate, but the mind and spirit as well, to revitalize your body.

Learning about functional and integrative medicine empowered me to take charge of my health. After I went through couple of
autoimmune conditions, I was able to regain my health with the diet and lifestyle changes and stress management techniques. 
Since I have made changes I have not had any recurrences.


I take pictures for my blog with my Canon SLR and XA10 cameras with the aid of a couple of good lenses, a reflector, and
photographic lights. Photography is one of my most enjoyable hobbies. Through my pictures, I love capturing the beauty of
nature, my garden, my culinary creations, and many more.


This is my story…I’m passionate about health, wellness, nutrition, weight loss, fitness and more.

I have an innate desire to share this path of discovery with you in this blog through articles, recipes, videos and more, so please stay tuned.

I would be happy to hear success stories from you and will be glad to include any relevant recipes from you in this blog.


This blog is not a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health care providers but rather intended to offer information to help readers cooperate with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.

Thanks for visiting and please make sure you subscribe and request for any other topics you are interested in.


To your good health and longevity!

Sailaja Reddy

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

– Hippocrates